The Surprising Reason Behind Diner’s Plastic Spoon-Taped Pens

Have you ever been to a diner and noticed that the pens they give you to sign your receipt have plastic spoons taped to them? It’s a quirky sight that might have left you scratching your head. But there’s actually a surprising and practical reason behind this seemingly odd practice. Let’s delve into the rationale behind this unique diner tradition.

Why Do Diners Tape Spoons to Pens?

The primary reason diners tape spoons to their pens is to prevent theft. Pens are small, easy to pocket, and often go missing in public places like diners. By attaching a large, cumbersome object like a plastic spoon to the pen, it becomes much more noticeable and less likely to be accidentally (or intentionally) taken away by customers.

Is This Practice Effective?

Yes, it is. The spoon-taped pens are less likely to go missing, saving the diner the cost of constantly replacing stolen pens. It’s a simple, cost-effective solution that works. Plus, it adds a bit of unique charm to the diner experience.

Are There Other Reasons for Spoon-Taped Pens?

While preventing theft is the main reason, there are a few other potential benefits to this practice:

  • Easy to spot: The spoon makes the pen more visible, making it easier for staff and customers to locate.

  • Harder to roll: Pens, especially round ones, have a tendency to roll off tables. The attached spoon prevents this from happening.

  • Hygienic: The spoon acts as a handle, meaning that the part of the pen that people hold doesn’t touch the table, potentially making it more hygienic.

Is This Practice Common?

While not every diner uses spoon-taped pens, it’s a fairly common practice, especially in smaller, local establishments. It’s one of those quirky traditions that adds to the unique charm and character of diners.


So, the next time you’re handed a pen with a spoon taped to it at a diner, you’ll know that it’s not just a quirky decoration. It’s a practical, cost-effective, and hygienic solution to a common problem. And it’s just one of the many things that make diners such unique and charming places to eat.