Lunch Etiquette for Interns at an MNC: Wait or Finish Quickly?

As an intern at a multinational corporation (MNC), you’re not just learning about your chosen field, but also about the corporate culture and etiquette that comes with it. One of the most common dilemmas faced by interns is understanding the lunch etiquette. Should you wait for everyone to finish their meal or should you eat quickly and leave? This article aims to provide some insights into this often overlooked aspect of corporate life.

Understanding the Corporate Culture

Every MNC has its own unique culture and norms. Some companies may encourage employees to take their time during lunch, while others may prefer a quick meal to get back to work. As an intern, it’s important to observe and understand these norms. Look at how your colleagues behave during lunchtime and follow their lead.

When to Wait

Generally, if you’re having lunch with your team or with senior colleagues, it’s polite to wait until everyone has finished eating before leaving the table. This shows respect for your colleagues and also gives you an opportunity to engage in casual conversation, which can be a great way to build relationships.

  • Wait for everyone to start eating: Don’t start eating until everyone at the table has been served their food. This is a basic etiquette that shows respect for your colleagues.
  • Engage in conversation: Use this time to engage in light conversation with your colleagues. Avoid discussing work-related topics unless someone else brings it up.
  • Wait for everyone to finish: Don’t leave the table until everyone has finished eating. If you need to leave early, make sure to ask for permission politely.

When to Finish Quickly

There may be situations where it’s acceptable or even expected for you to finish your meal quickly and get back to work. This could be the case if you’re in a fast-paced work environment or if there’s a lot of work to be done.

  • Observe your colleagues: If you notice that your colleagues often eat quickly and get back to work, it’s probably a good idea to do the same.
  • Ask your supervisor: If you’re unsure about what’s expected, don’t hesitate to ask your supervisor. They can provide guidance on what’s appropriate in your specific work environment.


As an intern, understanding and adapting to the corporate culture is a crucial part of your learning experience. When it comes to lunch etiquette, the key is to observe and follow the norms of your workplace. Whether you should wait for everyone or finish quickly depends on the specific culture of your MNC. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance from your supervisor or colleagues.